Theatre BA Overview
Together, we’ll explore every element of the theatre to understand it completely. We dig into every facet of the theatre to better understand ourselves. We challenge each other in every corner of the theatre to better understand each other.
In doing this, every story we tell, every character we play, every set we build, every light we shine, and every world we create elevates us. We rise up and never look back. If we achieve greatness, then we raise the bar, because in challenging ourselves, we learn even more.
Welcome to the ensemble. We say ensemble because that’s at the heart of how our Theatre BA program operates. No one member of the group is greater or more important than the other. It’s our work together, and the support of the company, that makes a New England College theatre production rise to the level of excellence that we expect. Join 正规赌篮球的软件 Theatre. Where work and play are the same thing.